How to Deal with a Growing Hedge

Not so long ago, many homeowners wanted to take the easy route when it came to their garden and chose to pave over the lawn, get rid of any flowerbeds and build a wooden fence around their perimeter. However, that trend has turned full circle and especially as climate-related issues call for a return to nature and an eco-friendly yard. If you're thinking along those lines at the moment then you may be getting ready to plant a lawn and introduce a brand-new hedge, but you will need to pay attention to upkeep as well. What will you need to do to master the growth of that hedge?

Mother Nature at Work

There's no doubt that a perimeter hedge will be much more environmentally friendly than your current option and, furthermore, it may offer local wildlife a new place to live. It will certainly look good when it is first introduced but, be under no illusion, it will grow very fast in the summer.

In this case, you have to be ready to trim it back carefully on a fairly regular basis so that it does not get out of hand. After all, a hedge that is left to its own devices will quickly overwhelm the property and it will certainly detract from your kerb appeal.

Machine Options

There are a number of different hedge trimmers available if you want to do this yourself but be sure that you get the right version and know how to use it. For example, you could get a single-sided machine that can help you to trim the sides and the top independently, or you can get a double-sided version with an adjustable handle as well. These allow you to shape your hedge more professionally, even though they may take a little while to get used to.

Safety First

Remember, you need to be safe when you fire up one of these trimmers and make sure that you can reach all the way to the top of the hedge without stretching. In this case, you may have to invest in a freestanding ladder of some kind, as you will not have anything to lean against in most cases.

Better to Outsource?

Do you have a lot of time to devote to yard work, lawn mowing and hedge trimming during the summer? Many people would rather get out and about and enjoy the weather, rather than spending all of their time in the back garden. If you tend to agree with this sentiment, bring in a landscaping company to do all of this hard work instead. Look for one that employs hedge trimmers

About Me

Re-landscaping our backyard

When the boys were younger, it was really important to have a lot of grass in the backyard so that they could kick the footy around or chase each other. Now they are older we don't need so much lawn and I want to spend a lot less time watering, fertilising and maintaining the lawn. That's why I am getting the yard landscaped to suit our current lifestyle with a garden that is focused on low maintenance native plants. It's important to make sure that your landscaping is suited to your current lifestyle and looks lovely so that you can enjoy it each day.
