Tips to Keep Your Landscaping at Its Best Condition

The appearance of your landscaping relies on the efforts of you or a landscape professional to keep it looking its best all year long. Whether you are looking after your yard in the winter, preparing it in the fall, or cleaning up in the spring, you want it to have the best chance possible for healthy vegetation and an attractive layout. Here are some recommendations to help you keep your yard looking its best with the right upkeep and maintenance.

Add Soil Nutrients

One of the best ways that your landscaping and its vegetation will look great through the growing season is to make sure it has plenty of nutrients. Your landscape vegetation is constantly pulling essential nutrients from the soil, so they will need to be added back in. Some nutrients will get replenished naturally from dying vegetation that composts back into the soil, however, you need to keep an eye out on your soil areas. And if you have soil in a planter box or a pot, this soil needs extra vigilance to make sure the nutrients are replenished with a liquid or pellet type fertilizer. 

When you can add mulch to your landscaping, it adds not only an attractive covering for the soil to reduce erosion and weed growth, but also helps your soil's health as well. Wood chips and other wood mulch materials will absorb and hold in moisture from precipitation and watering, keeping the soil cool and moist for longer. Mulch made of wood chips, bark, or other organic materials will slowly decompose over time. Depending on the type of wood chips or bark, your soil will receive nitrogen, which is essential for the health of your trees and shrubbery.

Update and Improve Edging

Along with mulch for your landscaping, the edging materials that you use along the borders and framing of your bedding areas need to work properly to keep the mulch in place. You don't want the mulch bark and wood chips or gravel spilling over their boundaries into your lawn or the pavement. A well-built border edging needs to provide several distinct characteristics to make it successful in the appearance of your yard. 

During the spring and the fall, you can make adjustments to your edging materials and straighten it back in line when it gets dislodged. For example, when your edging or curbing becomes pushed out of the soil from vegetation or tree root growth, replace it into the soil with sufficient excavation for accurate placement. Replace broken edging with new sections so your edging continues to act as a durable barrier for your plants. Make sure the edging extends below the soil to keep back vegetation root growth and high enough above the soil to prevent mulch spillage.

If you're ready to spruce up your landscaping, contact companies that sell landscape supplies. 

About Me

Re-landscaping our backyard

When the boys were younger, it was really important to have a lot of grass in the backyard so that they could kick the footy around or chase each other. Now they are older we don't need so much lawn and I want to spend a lot less time watering, fertilising and maintaining the lawn. That's why I am getting the yard landscaped to suit our current lifestyle with a garden that is focused on low maintenance native plants. It's important to make sure that your landscaping is suited to your current lifestyle and looks lovely so that you can enjoy it each day.
