Buffalo Turf: A Step-by-Step Guide to Lush Green Lawns

Having a lush, green lawn can instantly transform your outdoor space into a beautiful oasis. If you're looking for a durable and low-maintenance option, buffalo turf is an excellent choice. This step-by-step guide walks you through the process of achieving a stunning buffalo turf lawn.

Selecting the Right Buffalo Turf Variety

Choosing the right buffalo turf variety is crucial for a successful lawn. Consider factors such as climate, shade tolerance, and drought resistance. Popular varieties like Sir Walter, Palmetto, and Matilda are known for their hardiness and adaptability.

Soil Preparation

Preparing the soil is the foundation for a healthy buffalo turf lawn. Start by removing any existing vegetation and weeds. Then, cultivate the soil and break up any compacted areas. Finally, spread a quality organic fertiliser and work it into the soil.

Laying the Buffalo Turf

Before laying the buffalo turf, make sure the soil is moist but not overly wet. Begin by laying the first row along a straight edge, such as a pathway or driveway. Stagger subsequent rows, like bricks, to achieve a seamless look. Trim the edges as necessary, ensuring a snug fit against borders and obstacles.

Watering and Establishment

Watering is crucial during the establishment period. Initially, you should water your buffalo turf daily to encourage root growth. As time goes on, you should monitor the soil moisture levels and adjust the frequency of your watering accordingly to keep the lawn moist but not waterlogged.

Fertilising and Maintenance

Once the buffalo turf has been established, it's important to provide regular fertilisation and maintenance. Apply a slow-release, nitrogen-rich fertiliser according to the manufacturer's instructions. Avoid over-fertilisation, as this can lead to thatch buildup and weaken the grass.

Mowing and Edging

Regular mowing is essential to keep your buffalo turf looking its best. Do not cut the lawn too short. You should aim to remove just the tips of the grass with a single mow, so you do not damage the grass. Remember to edge your lawn to maintain clean and defined borders regularly.

Weed and Pest Control

Weeds and pests can quickly invade buffalo turf. Regularly inspect your lawn and manually remove any weeds. Use a selective herbicide if necessary, following the instructions carefully. Consider implementing pest control measures, such as nematodes or natural predators, to keep unwanted insects at bay.


By following this guide, you can create a lush green lawn with buffalo turf. Remember, proper soil preparation, watering, and maintenance are key to ensuring a beautiful and resilient lawn. For more information on buffalo turf, contact a professional near you.

About Me

Re-landscaping our backyard

When the boys were younger, it was really important to have a lot of grass in the backyard so that they could kick the footy around or chase each other. Now they are older we don't need so much lawn and I want to spend a lot less time watering, fertilising and maintaining the lawn. That's why I am getting the yard landscaped to suit our current lifestyle with a garden that is focused on low maintenance native plants. It's important to make sure that your landscaping is suited to your current lifestyle and looks lovely so that you can enjoy it each day.
